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Watch 11-year-old JJ Bui play Chopin and be amazed

Robert Rowat

JJ Bui, 11, won first prize in CBC Music's 2016 Piano Hero contest with his video performance of Chopin's Ballade No. 1, Op. 23.

"Impressive, especially for someone so young!" enthused jury member Angela Cheng. "You really captured the essence of Chopin’s music in this performance," added juror Jan Lisiecki. Yannick Nézet-Séguin said, "I was really moved. You have an immense and rare talent."

Bui's prize included not only a new Steinway-designed piano, but also a trip from his home in Toronto to Montreal, where he gave a performance at La Maison symphonique, had a piano lesson with David Jalbert, and spent an afternoon at CBC/Radio-Canada's Studio 12 recording two pieces by Chopin.\

Bui wanted to make a professional video of the Chopin Ballade that earned him top Piano Hero honours. To that, he added the Nocturne in D-flat Major, Op. 27, No. 2.

Watch both videos below.