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First Play Live: Jessy Lanza, Oh No

Reuben Maan

A lot of people are really excited about Jessy Lanza's new album, Oh No. And rightly so. Anticipation has been growing since her last album, Pull My Hair Back, was shortlisted for the Polaris Prize in 2014.

The Hamilton, Ont., native has been working hard recording songs for Oh No, collaborating again with her talented partner, Junior Boy Jeremy Greenspan. The new album was released last week and is getting lots of love.

We recorded a First Play Live session with Lanza a few weeks ago. Her live show is minimal, but impressive. She's joined onstage by the fleet-footed drummer Tori Tizzard. While Tizzard's socked feet pound the bass and her sticks ripple above the pads and cymbals, Lanza's voice floats and dances over the beat. The duo makes a fantastic team. Check out the videos below: