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A minor: The Faded Beauty

Paolo Pietropaolo

The key signatures of music are kind of like the signs of the zodiac. If you take all the music in a given key, you’ll discover certain characteristics — characteristics that can define your personality. That's the idea behind The Signature Series.

Are you an A minor person? To get to know A minor a little better, click on the orange play button. Follow along with the pop-up comments to find out what composition is playing.

Read about the characteristics of a classic A minor person below.


A minor: The Faded Beauty

Key characteristics: Alluring. Headstrong. Worldly.

Your biggest strength: You're the life of the party.

Your potential weakness: You can’t tell when the party’s over.

Likes: High society, plush ottomans, scandals.

Dislikes: Impertinence, November, having nothing to do.

Preferred outfit: Velvet brocade gown.

Animal symbol: Flamingo.

Zodiac sign most similar to: Gemini, Libra.

Classic A-minor people:

- Miss Havisham from Great Expectations.
- Blanche Devereaux from The Golden Girls.
- Lady Violet Crawley from Downton Abbey.
- Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire.
- Norma Desmond from Sunset Boulevard.
- Scarlett O’Hara from Gone With the Wind.

Which key are you?