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Chuck D shares his favourite Rage Against the Machine and Cypress Hill songs

Editorial Staff

Prophets of Rage is a counter-culture American music collective comprised of members from Public Enemy, Cypress Hill and Rage Against The Machine. Fronted by legendary MCs B-Real and Chuck D, the group formed in direct response to the political turmoil in America.

Chuck D spoke to Raoul Juneja for CBC Music ahead of their 31-city tour date, which begins next week, so we asked the legendary Public Enemy frontman about the songs from both Rage and Cypress Hill that made the biggest impact on him and why. You can see his answers below, and be sure to check back on Monday for the full Chuck D interview.

'Bulls on Parade'

“‘Bulls on Parade’ is my personal Rage Against the Machine anthem. Zack De La Rocha’s intensity and all of his words are a call and prayer that I honor with 100% effort and attention. B-Real makes it so much easier.”

'How I Could Just Kill a Man'

“'How I Could Just Kill A Man' goes way back with me since being a part of the Bomb Squad [production team] scoring the Juice film.”

'(Rap)/(Rock) Superstar'

“My favourite [Cypress Hill] was 1998's “(Rap) Superstar” and “(Rock) Superstar” because it says so much that I’ve seen and heard on the periphery of this genre.”

Follow Raoul Juneja on Twitter: (@raouljuneja)

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