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Calling all Canadian musicians: CanadaSound wants you

Grant Lawrence

To celebrate Canada's 150th birthday, the CanadaSound project is combing every corner of the country to collect Canadians' favourite sounds. Along with our partners at the Junos, SOCAN and cleansheet communications, we're searching for the sounds that best define your city, town, region or all of Canada, and we want your stories behind those sounds.

Now we want you, our nation's artists and songwriters, to create a new song of your own using the sounds we've collected. Many of the sounds and sentiments are already being shared now to inspire you. Sign up today!

Burlington, Ont., pop band Walk Off the Earth is the first band to submit its song, which is an amazing cover of Arcade Fire's "Wake Up." Walk Off the Earth sampled everything from a cottage door slamming to a beer bottle opening to a hockey slapshot and many others. The band brilliantly worked the sounds into the rhthym of the song. Listen to the finished results below.

Listen to Walk Off The Earth cover Arcade Fire's "Wake Up" for CanadaSound

Our first artist has added your submitted sounds into a song... and what a song!


Arkells, Kevin Hearn from the Barenaked Ladies and Fred Penner are also in. Are you?

Artists creating music with CanadaSound have a chance to have their song played on CBC Radio, in the CanadaSound Podcast and posted on CBC Music's social media channels.

At the end of the year, the best tracks will be stacked onto a soundtrack for what could very well turn out to be the ultimate Canadian compilation, with a portion of the proceeds going to MusicCounts, the charity that puts instruments into kids' hands.

Canada's sounds inspiring Canada's artists — what could be more Canadian than that?

Artists: sign up to take part in CanadaSound now!

Submit your favourite Canadian sound here.