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Meet Colter Wall, the Steve Earle- and Rick Rubin-endorsed Saskatchewan country singer

Reuben Maan

The praise preceding 21-year-old folk/country singer Colter Wall is immense. Steve Earle says Colter Wall is "the best young singer-songwriter I've seen in 20 years." Rick Rubin is also piling compliments on the young singer from Swift Current, Saskatchewan.

See the young singer's talent for yourself in this CBC Music session. Wall says that most of the songs on his new, self-titled album are autobiographical. With themes that include a drunken brush with the RCMP, a song titled "Codeine Dream" plus a murder ballad, one certainly hopes that at least the third in that list is fictional. It's hard to believe that Wall is as young as he is when you first feel his baritone rumble into your ears — like a truck cruising the gravel back roads of rural Saskatchewan. The gravity in his voice matches the authenticity of his lyrics.

You may have heard this name before, though: Wall's father is Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall. One can't help but wonder about the father-son relationship after listening to the wayward tale of "Thirteen Silver Dollars." But who knows where the young Wall gets his inspiration? The important thing is that he has a lot of it, as well as prodigious talent, creativity and that beautiful baritone.

Below, watch Wall play five originals and a couple covers.

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