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Watch Timothy Chooi play Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto

Robert Rowat

In May, violinist Timothy Chooi was the guest of the Victoria Symphony for a few performances of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto. The concerts marked the conclusion of Tania Miller's tenure as music director, so emotions were running high.

Miller has championed the young violinist ever since selecting him as Young Soloist for the Victoria Symphony's "Splash" back in 2006. Chooi has performed a number of times with the Victoria Symphony since then, but this was his first appearance in the orchestra's Masterworks series.

It was a homecoming for the Victoria, B.C., native, who recently graduated from the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia and did a five-country tour of Europe with the Curtis Symphony Orchestra under Osmo Vanska. Chooi will begin his master's degree at the Juilliard School in New York City this fall.

Fortunately for us, the Victoria Symphony recorded the concert and released it for all to enjoy.

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