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First Play Live: Pierre Kwenders, Makanda at the End of Space, the Beginning of Time

Reuben Maan

Pierre Kwenders graced us with more than his music last month when he recorded his First Play Live session. The Montreal-based singer strolled into CBC Music impeccably dressed, displaying a style that honours his biggest musical influence: Papa Wemba (and La sape).

His incredible band confidently delivered rhythms and guitar licks that ranged from Congolese to indie, providing the perfect base for Kwenders' multi-lingual lyrics. What a gift — to sing and rap in four languages with lyrical content that draws inspiration from sources ranging from Henry Miller to internet slang. Oh, and Kwenders can dance too. Check out the moves in the seductive "Sexus Plexus Nexus" or the funky jam "Welele." Let Kwenders take you on a journey to Paris when he sings about a romantic experience in "Rendezvous." The album and this session is filled with fantastic music. Check it all out here:

More to explore:

First Play and track-by-track: Pierre Kwenders, Makanda at the End of Space, the Beginning of Time

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